
Friday, July 24, 2020

Estimating Measurments

On Wednesday in math we estimated a metre with our bikes.

We had to get on to a bike and put a chalk line under our front tire then we rode to what we thought was a metre. I got 2 metres so I need a bit of practice on estimating. 

Thursday, July 23, 2020

My progress on William Pike

This is my William Pike challenge hub.
As you can see I have done 0% of community, 20% of outdoor activities and 5% of passion projects.
I am still working on some things for my outdoor ed and my passion project.
I am planning to take 10 people from my class to Adrenalin Forest

Monday, July 20, 2020


WALT: read a ruler accuratley

This is the experiment we did.
One person held a ruler and dropped it and I had to catch it with my finger and my thumb and whatever number my thumb was on is my score in this case my scores were 22cm, 17cm and 16cm.
My best score was 16cm.
My average score was 18.3 ( 22 + 17 + 16 / 3 = 18.3)

Thursday, July 2, 2020

Novel study review

A Novel Review
Your Name: Maiah
Name of Your Novel: The Hound Of the Baskervilles.
Author: Arthur Conan Doyle

Summarise:  What was your novel about? (no more than 30 words)
This is a fictional novel,
about a couple of detectives trying to solve a murder mystery.
In the first chapters
they trace all of the clues and they think that some of them might be red - hearings.
Some of the clues trace to it being some sort of mammal such as a dog.
Overall  this book was quite boring and probably wouldn't read it again but I did
enjoy reading it with my group.

Setting: (visualisation)Draw a map or picture of the setting of your novel -
label significant places or features. (If doing this digitally - consider doing as a google drawing,
remove the square below and inserting your image here.)

Character Values:Choose one character from your novel.  Which of our values
(Resilience, Integrity, Success and Empathy) does your character show?  How and when?
Sherlock holmes, he liked to help people so I think
that would be called empathy.

Plot: In any story, the main character will face some kind of problem or conflict.
What was the challenge your main character faced and how did he/she overcome it?
Would you have reacted the same way? WHY OR WHY NOT?
I didnt get upto that part

Quote:  Choose a quote from the book that sticks out for you. 
Write it in here and explain why you chose it. Illustrate it.

Poetry reading

This week we had a poetry reading in our literacy group, I read my poem called 'another war' Which is about the war the world is facing. I was a little bit nervous to read the poem writ but I managed.
After we read our poems we got a lolly of our choice, I loved reading all the creative poems people writ.

Technology on a Thursday

This week I went to Tech, I'm in sewing and foods. for foods this week we made Calzone, I didn't really like it but that's Ok. in sewing this week I put the handles on m bag all I have left to do is put the liner in.